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Product Testing - What is it, Why do we do it and How does it benefit you, our customers

What, Why and How? 

Have a think, how many times have you bought a candle, reed diffuser or wax melts and been left feeling slightly dissapointed?  Maybe it smelled great to begin with, but that didn't last for the whole life of the product.  Or maybe the scent was amazing but you were left with so much wax on the edge of your candle jar, that it just felt a waste.  That feeling right there, is the why!  One of the biggest motivations for us is to ensure that we are producing handmade, quality, home fragrance products that our customers can trust to be great, time after time.  

The early stages of product development are some of the most challenging but are also so interesting.  The variances in what produces an amazing smelling candle, melt or diffuser can be miniscule but the effects in making these tiny tweaks, are at times unbelievable.  So what are the important things we are looking for when we are testing a new product? 

  • The most obvious of course is scent throw, how well can the fragrance be smelled and in what size of space.
  • Safety, another huge one for us, particularly with candles. We are looking at the size of the flame, movement of the flame and temperature of the glass.
  • Longevity of the product, for our candles and melts, we have a minimum burn time requirement for each size.  For our diffusers we have a minimum diffusion time that we expect. Products don't get a pass if they don't meet these, even if they do smell great!
  • We also look at external factors such as environment and customer behaviour. For example a candle burning in a room with A/C is going to perform very differently to a candle burning in a room that is 26 degrees. Also a candle burned in controlled 4 hour test burns is going to perform very differently to a candle that's left burning for 6, 8 or even 10 hours (never recommended). 

So how does all of this benefit you, our customers? Well, you get to enjoy or gift, quality products that you know have been lovingly perfected and then hand poured.  Provided they are used properly you will have home fragrance products that smell amazing from start to finish, burn or diffuse beautifully and safely with as little waste as possible. 

The next time you reach for your favourite MJM candle, wax melt or diffuser, I hope it brings you as much joy and warmth as has been poured into creating it. 

If you have any questions or feedback, please do reach out, we would love to hear from you. 

Megan x